Using Sexual Energy In Our Daily Lives

We generally understand sexual energy as a
Add Imagen emotional tension, usually followed by a pleasant euphoric sensation when released. But instead, imagine allowing this energy to spread throughout your entire body and absorbing it energetically through all your cells.

When you are having sex, do you analyze what you are doing while in the middle of making love? I’m sure you have answered no! When children run around madly full of this vibrant pulsating energy, (that we experience as sex), it spreads through their entire body and they express it as joy instead. Hence they have not begun to interpret and analyze it with their mind. The child doesn’t sit back and say, ‘I’m tired now, I want to have a rest’, during their play, as we do when sexual tension is released.

What we really have here is simply energy with only our own labels added on. As soon as a person comes into maturity, this energy is polarized and hence sexual activity commences. It marks the beginning of the aging process simply because we separate ourselves from this wonderful joy - energy. When sexual energy spreads throughout your body, it gives you that orgasmic feeling. It energizes your body and prolongs enjoyment between yourself and your partner.

Sexual energy is an emotion that you can activate to get the full effect of energy. So are gratitude, love, appreciation and acknowledgement emotions. If having sex can be compared to the lower notes upon the musical scale, then these other emotions like gratitude, love, appreciation, acknowledgement etc., would be the higher notes or chakras upon the scale. We all know how important these emotions are and how we crave to feel them. Imagine for a moment that if you cannot get these higher tender emotions communicated, it’s natural to go for the most commonly obtainable ones, the emotions you get from sex.

Recent research has shown that when the coccyx is stimulated in women who have never been able to orgasm, they easily begin to do so and enjoy a wonderful sexual sensation. We can now reclaim this energy, by simply connecting to it by using a simple exercise. But how do you maintain this sort of connection on a conscious level without actually having sex?

Exercise is one of the ways to energize your body using emotions. But what if you could have all these other sensations at any time, instead of waiting for the only one you know you can get from sex?

To hook up to your joy at will using emotions as a way to open yourself to have more pleasurable all over sensations, like playing more than one note upon the scale which enhances your sexual experience as well.

One of these higher notes upon the emotional scale is gratitude. We forget to be grateful for many things in our life and instead focus on negative images. Another higher note is appreciation, such as having an engaging hobby or enjoying the company of a special friend. Expressing to your partner what you value or treasure about them, and sincerely communicating through your eyes, plus taking the time to express your feelings, will increase the whole sexual level between both of you because of how the other will receive your genuine expressions. This is what stimulates all the notes upon the scale and the whole sexual dynamic as you felt it long ago, and is the key to this exercise.This is the whole reason that sex was so much more exciting at the beginning of our lives. We have just forgotten this priceless gift because we took it for granted way back then. The appreciation level is what ignites the body centers and is a feeling experienced at the heart centre (chakra), the main activator of energy. We are not consciously aware of this, therefore we lose it later on and the whole partner search has to happen all over again. Until we can learn how to do this on a conscious level.

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